Government of National Salvation (Albania)

Government of National Salvation (Albanian: Qeveria e Pajtimit Kombëtar) Albania was the government who presided over the period 9 March 1997-29 June 1997. It was created as a result of the events of 1997, spurred by the collapse of pyramid schemes. This government came a week after the resignation of the government of Alexander Meksi, on 2 March 1997. This government was created thanks to the major political parties of the country and international intervention. On 6 and 9 March 1997, at the height of unrest in the country, political forces signed the agreement oncreation the new government, withbroad political participation . Its President was elected Socialist Bashkim Fino, mayor of Gjirokastër. The new government was voted on 11 March 1997 by Parliament and promulgated by the President of the Republic,Sali Berisha on 12 March. Based on Article 28, paragraph 7 and Article 33 of Law 7491 dated 29.04.1991 "On main constitutional bodies, the proposal of Prime Minister Bashkim Fino, Albanian President Sali Berisha Council of Ministers decreed as follows:

Name Minister of appointed year left year Party
Bashkim Fino Prime Minister 9 Mars 1997 29 June 1997 Socialiste
Belul Çela Minister of Interior Affairs 9 Mars 1997 29 June 1997 Demokratike
Shaqir Vukaj Minister of Defence 9 Mars 1997 29 June 1997 Socialiste
Arian Starova Minister of Foreign Affairs 9 Mars 1997 29 June 1997 Aleanca Social-Demokrate
Arben Malaj Financave 9 Mars 1997 29 June 1997 Socialiste
Spartak Ngjela Drejtësisë 9 Mars 1997 29 June 1997 Lëvizja e Legalitetit
Eduard Ypi Privatizimeve 9 Mars 1997 29 June 1997 Demokratike
Astrit Kalenja Shëndetësisë dhe Mjedisit 9 Mars 1997 29 June 1997 Balli Kombëtar
Myqerem Tafaj Arsimit të lartë dhe kërkimeve shkencore 9 Mars 1997 29 June 1997 Demokratike
Luan Skuqi Arsimit dhe Sportit 9 Mars 1997 29 June 1997 Demokratike
Haxhi Aliko Ushqimit dhe bujqësisë 9 Mars 1997 29 June 1997 Social-Demokrate
Kastriot Shtylla Mineraleve dhe burimeve energjitike 9 Mars 1997 29 June 1997 Republikane
Foto Dhuka Industrisë, transportit dhe tregtisë 9 Mars 1997 29 June 1997 PBDNJ
Ëngjëll Ndocaj Kulturës, rinisë dhe gruas 9 Mars 1997 29 June 1997 Demokristiane
Elmaz Sherifi Punës dhe çështjeve sociale 9 Mars 1997 29 June 1997 Socialiste
Vasillaq Spaho Punëve publike, rregullimit të territorit dhe turizmit 9 Mars 1997 29 June 1997 Republikane
